18 april 2018

Underlight Angler

Recently I've obtain the specicial fishing rod Underlight Angler. This was a really big goal of mine and I'm glad I have it now. However I need to level this artifact up so I can even fish from pools faster. Give me the artifact power!

01 februari 2013

Shadow priest PvP changes

In this post I want to talk about the upcoming changes for shadow priests. Blizzard has recognized that shadow priest are doing to much damage within arena games. So in patch 5.2 some spells and glyphs will be changed so prevent shadow priests doing a lot of damage.

  • Halo will no longer hit enemies that are in Stealth.
  • Power Word: Solace has been replaced with a new talent: Solace & Insanity
    • For Shadow, this ability causes Mind Flay to gain the Insanity effect when it's cast on a target with 3 Shadow damage-over-time spells on it. Insanity increases the damage of Mind Flay by 33% per Shadow Orb consumed.
  • Glyph of Mind Spike only works from Mind Spike that aren't instant casts from Surge of Darkness.
  • Flash Heal and Binding Heal will heal for 30% less when cast by Shadow Priests.

The change on Halo is quite a pain for shadow priest. This spell was a great opportunity against stealth teams to disturb their opening. However I do understand this change since it was never the intention to break stealth in arena games. Being able to stealth is a huge advantage and a needed ability for some classes. So breaking stealth with this big AoE is overpowered.

Power Word: Solace has been totally replaced. The spell was not used very often by shadow priest so it is logical that the spell has been changed. However the new ability ain't that great either. It will only be useful if you have cast Devouring Plague upon a target and have the other dots up. Also Devouring Plague last for six seconds, so you can only profit from this spell for six seconds. I think the new talent won't be used that frequently.

To decrease the damage output of a priest the talent Surge of Darkness changed. Because you could get free mind spikes with this talent it also means to decrease the cooldown of the Mind Blast spell. This meant that you could get a instant Mind Blast.

With all these changes I think that shadow priest will play a less important role in arena matches. However shadow priest won't be nerfed on their utility which I think is more important then decrease of the damage will we get. I'm still do have the feeling this are not all the changes the priest will get. What kind of other changes do you expect?

29 januari 2013


Last Sunday I was able to do some other things within World of Warcraft then focus on my main goals. I already done my arena matches on Thursday, visit MC and AQ40 for the mini pets on Sunday and completed all LFR instances.

I’ve decides to level up one of my alt character.

I’ve started levelling my feral level 86 druid Ralpby. I am levelling my alts slowly because of their professions. The more professions I master the less gold I will be spending. The professions on my druid are mining and jewelcrafting. Recently I reached the maximum level of jewelcrafting. However mining was still a bit below level 600. So while levelling I was surprised to see that I completed the achievement Working For a Living


This meant that reached 600 skill in mining. Together with this achievement I’ve also completed the achievement Jack of All Trades. I now have five different professions on maximum level. Inscription and herbalism on my main (Ralpbix), alchemy on my warrior alt and jewelcrafting and mining on my druid.

At the end I hope to reach all professions to the maximum level. Not spending gold on enchants will probably save me a lot of gold.

How many maximum level professions do you have?

27 januari 2013

Personal goals

Once again I will try to write about my adventures within the World of Warcraft. I will start by writing about some personal goals I want to achieve. The game itself stays fun for me because of those personal goal. And those goals keep me busy during my limited time to play World of Warcraft.

I currently have my focus on an achievement added to the game in patch 5.1. The achievement is called Raiding with Leashes. This achievement is about collecting new battle pets which drops of various old raiding bosses. At this moment I already have collected nine of the twelve require battle pets. This means that I don’t have to visit Blackwing Lair and Naxxramas anymore.

I still need the following pets:

The second goal I currently focus on is getting an as high as possible arena rating in 2v2 bracket. I play together with my good friend Dionys. We’re having quite some fun trying to earn our conquest points. We have reached 1322 rating since this week. We are still increasing our ratings however we have a hard time against new made teams. They start with zero rating and 1500 matchrating. So chances are big that they already have better gear or more experience. However I welcome the gear changes in patch 5.2. More information about the gear changes for patch 5.2 will be written in a future post.

My third goal is to complete the legendary quest chain. Since this expansion all players are able to focus on the legendary chain because the needed items are also dropping in the LFR feature of the game. I’m currently on the quest The Strength of One's Foes and only need to collect two more Sigil of Wisdom. I hope that I can complete this quest next week.

What are your personal goals within the game?

Edit: The battle pet Mini Mindslayer just dropped for me. See screenshots below.

27 april 2009

RalpbQuest my own addon

It has been a while since I've last posted on my blog. However I do got some great news to share with you all. I recentely bought a book called World of Warcraft Programming: A Guide and Reference for Creating WoW Addons. This book helped me understand more about the addons being made for World of Warcraft. So far I didn't see any reason to make my own addon because there are so many addons out there who already supply in my needs.

So since a week my cousin and I are leveling both a char together and only when we are together online. Quite some time I've asked him how much kills he still needed or how much questitems he needed for a specific quest. He got tired to tell me all the time and I was wanting to keep track of the progression. In the days back during the TBC period there was an addon called FastQuest Classic. This addon tracks your progression. However FastQuest Classic does use the old Quest Tracking System to track the progression and completion of quests. Since blizzard changed the game mechanism for the tracking system FastQuest Classic didn't work anymore. So I've decided to create my own addon which does basicly do the same. The addon I made is called RalpbQuest. I have released version 0.3 to the public since it is a stable and working version for World of Warcraft version 3.1.

However version 0.3 won't be the last verion. I will update RalpbQuest regulary with new options and abilities. The following things will be included for the next version:
  • Create a possibility to enable/disable the quest progression into the chat
  • Add the possibility to write in the guild or raid chat aswell.

The person who helped me create the stable version of this addon is Obli. He tested the addon together with me. And without him I was not able to make this addon.

27 maart 2009

Leveling addon

World of Warcraft is a game which you can your own addons for. There are really a lot of addons released. A lot of those addons don't add anything to the game and have been made by authors. However some of them may be really useful. Since a couple of month I try to experiment with quite some addons. Mainly the leveling addons as I do like to level some of my alts.

There are two leveling addons that are quite good in my opinion. The first one and the one I tried first is the addon called QuestHelper. This addon will give some additional options to your map. On the map there will be place serveral icons. Those icons give you the location where you need to do things in order to complete a quest. Unfortunately I don't have a good screenshot of it so you can either check out the screenshot on the Curse website I've just linked or try the addon yourself.
The second great addon for leveling your alts which I currently uses the most is the addon from Jame's Leveling Guides (WoW-Pro). It is an addon that is based on two other addons called TourGuide and TomTom. This addon will show a big green arrow on the screen so that you know which way you have to walk (Like TomTom in the Real Life). And Jame's Leveling Guides has been optimized for the TourGuide together with the TomTom addon you can level really really fast. Maybe this way is the fastest way there exists at this moment. You can find the addon from Jame here. There is also writen how to install and configure this addon.

This is basicly the end of this message however I've just orderen a book called 'World of Warcraft Programming: A Guide and Reference for Creating WoW Addons'. This is a book which you introduce in writing addons for World of Warcraft. For more information check their website here. I peronally want to create an addon which strips the current UI and make everything more clear. Just to try as experiment to make new and bigger addons near the future.

13 maart 2009

Intressting WoW Blogs

Hey all, welcome to my World of Warcraft blog. I've started this blog to tell more about my WoW adventure and what I do think about the current situation and future situation of the game.

I recently found some good other blogs which I do enjoy to read. Some of the blogs I read all of the people will know about, however some blogs are quite small and not very known. The biggest of all blogs about World of Warcraft is Wowinsider. This website is publishing quite some items each day. Most items are really intressted to read. An other blog which I do really enjoy to read is Just My Two Copper. This is a blog that is dedicated how to earn money within World of Warcraft. There are some good video's on the website which explain great farming spots within the game. The last blog I want to mention is the personal WoW blog from an Alliance Girl. She tells the world what she is doing within the game and how she enjoys the game.

While I hope I gave you some reading stuff for the next hours. I also hope that I can post more intressting things.